Saturday, March 1, 2008

Back in Georgetown

I arrived back in Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas late Thursday night with friends John Files and Mindy. The White Pepper was in excellent shape. Many friends had kept an eye on her throughout the month. Esp. thanks to John on Hanco. We had drinks with John late Thursday and are again grateful for his hospitality. On board as well was the redoubtable Chris Parker. Chris is a young man who build a formidable reputation as a weather forecaster and actually supports himself selling weather forecasts over the internet and on single side band radio. The forecasts are quite accurate.

Friday was cold and blustery--remarkable even by the harsh standards of this winter. We spent the day provisioning. Today is nicer but windy. We will leave the dock to anchor across the harbor in the lee of Stocking Island. There does not appear to be any relief from the wind until next Wed. Then I might try for Long Island.

Jan could not accompany me. The nurse at Dr. Swann's office was very emphatic about the need to rest, recover, and avoid any accidents. With luck and Dr. Swann's blessing she will rejoin me in early April.

Driving in from the airport I was struck with an intense bittersweet feeling. On one hand I was missing Jan terribly. However, I was glad to be back. I was struck at how much I felt at home--more so than even Corpus Christi. That could not be possible since I have only lived here 3 days. It must be that s/v White Pepper is my home address now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karl and Jan,

I am envious of your travels. Jean and I have often talked about "buying the boat and taking off" but you are actually doing it.

Keep up the great blog. Reading it may just be the push necessary for us to get going. Perhaps one day we will see you "Out there".

Pace Bonner